Meon Valley Arts Society

Special Interest Days

Special Interest Days examine a subject in more depth than is possible in an ordinary lecture and/or cover subjects more suited to small groups. They are run twice a year, usually in October and February for about 25 to 30 people. Past subjects have included restoring furniture, photography as an art form, vernacular architecture in Hampshire as well as interesting aspects of music, art and opera.

Special Interest Days take place at The Small Hall, Meon Hall, Pound Lane, Meonstoke S032 3NP Coffee and biscuits are available from 10 am, and the first lecture starts at about 10:30 am. There are usually two lectures in the morning, and a third in the afternoon. The day ends at 3 pm. A charge of £30 is made, which includes coffee and biscuits and wine at lunchtime. Attendees bring their own lunch.

The next special interest day is in this colour.  Click on a thumbnail for more information.

data/20250429.png Tuesday 29 April 2025

Topic: Blenheim Palace....Wartime Evacuees, Espionage ...and much more besides!